Any progress here?


On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 3:51 PM, Dan Langford <> wrote:

> a quick note and then i will work on providing a more reproducible use set
> of artifacts.
> > How did you test that?
> Three things i notice. 1)  in the JMX console (viewed via Hawtio/jolokia
> api in 2.1, and the skinned version of such in the new 2.3 console [very
> nice BTW]) the slave will typically NOT show the addresses if the slave is
> only set up to be a backup of the master. it will also not show the
> acceptors. 2) "netstat -tunlp" on my box on the slave will show that the
> slave is not listening for connections on the ports. When i change the file
> and save it i see 3) the slave broker starts logging that it is starting
> acceptors and it logs the addresses/queues that are coming online and it
> mentions something about SSL in regards to the amqps port. i go back and
> check 1) the JMX console and sure enough it now is showing addresses and
> acceptors. but only the addresses mentioned in the broker.xml none of the
> ones added since then. and then over to 2) the command line "netstat
> -tunlp" and the slave is now listening on 5671. a nother side effect that i
> see that 4) authentication may not work if the role was added
> programatically.
> a restart of the Slave resolves all of this and it comes online as simply
> just a backup to the Master
> >  If reloading broker.xml causes queues added via the management API to
> disappear I think that's likely a bug.
> that is what i observed but i would clarify that is only on that Slave
> node. the Master node is still working just fine with all the queues added
> from the management api. and when the slave restarts it goes back to
> working as expected and failover/failback with all those additional queues
> work. so its not a permanent delete in the cluster its just not accessible
> on that slave node after the configuration reload.
> i have not modified the delete policy.
> i will whip up the simplest set of broker.xml files to show this as soon as
> i can here at work
> On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 1:46 PM Michael André Pearce <
>> wrote:
> > The only scenario I can think here on the loss of address/queues , noting
> > that somehow your slave is thinking it can active as master (aka
> acceptors
> > start up) is that auto-delete-queues/auto-delete-address is kicking in
> > (which default is true I believe) as it deletes queue on no subscription
> > and then address will delete on no queues. Which would occur if the slave
> > is activating somehow as you’d have no subscriptions.
> >
> > Seems that getting to bottom of why the slave is activating is prob the
> > main priority here.
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> > > On 21 Sep 2017, at 20:36, Michael André Pearce <
> >> wrote:
> > >
> > > I’ve just tested manually (in a HA setup) that if you set delete policy
> > to OFF which by default it is set to OFF, then queues and address do not
> > get undeployed on reload. Eg queues and addresses if created in GUI or
> > remain.
> > >
> > > Only if you change/override that to FORCE would it remove an address or
> > queue not defined in broker.xml. I assume here you have not set deletion
> > policy to FORCE, and just on default OFF
> > >
> > > It would be good/great help if you are able to make any form or
> > reproducer integration test if you still see this issue.
> > >
> > >
> > > Cheers
> > > Mike
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Sent from my iPhone
> > >
> > >> On 21 Sep 2017, at 20:16, Justin Bertram <> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> Many of the changes made via the management API are volatile.
> However,
> > >> adding queues should be persistent.  If reloading broker.xml causes
> > queues
> > >> added via the management API to disappear I think that's likely a bug.
> >

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