Hello Gary.
Thanks for your reply.
I already tried the rollbackOnlyOnAsyncException. But this one only works if
the transaction still exists when the error in the async send happens.
But if the TX is already finished, than there is no such action because the
code which looks up the transaction returns null (naturally) and therfore
can´t do a rollback.

That´s why I asked if there is some way to add a synchronization on the TX
commit on the asynch outcome...

Some time ago I also tested out the preallocation strategies but found no
real performance differences between those. I think this has to do with the
Windows file system which we are using; on Unix based systems this seems to
have more of an effect.

I haven´t tried the ackCompaction yet. But if I understand it correctly I
don´t think this will have much influence either because we aren´t doing
much bulk processing. In each transaction there are only a few messages
received / send.

But I will have a look at this and also to Artemis.

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