One thing which I just noticed which is definitely a problem...

You've defined the web server with bind="http://localhost:8161";, but your
using port 8080 in your URL.  The two ports should match.


On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 11:50 AM, tcomprak <> wrote:

> Thanks Justin. I did what you mentioned below
> - Copied the .war file to the web directory
> root@sh3:~/apache-artemis-2.4.0/web# ls
> activemq-branding.war  activemq-rest.war  api  artemis-plugin.war
> console.war     examples  hacking-guide  images  index.html  META-INF
> styles
> user-manual
> root@sh3:~/apache-artemis-2.4.0/web#
> - Created a new broker and added the web element in its etc/bootstrap.xml
> file as follows
>    <web bind="http://localhost:8161"; path="web">
>        <app url="activemq-branding" war="activemq-branding.war"/>
>        <app url="artemis-plugin" war="artemis-plugin.war"/>
>        <app url="console" war="console.war"/>
>        <app url="artemis-rest" war="activemq-rest.war"/>
>    </web>
> - after which I started the broker
> root@sh3:/var/lib/mybroker# ./bin/artemis-service start
> Starting artemis-service
> artemis-service is now running (31401)
> root@sh3:/var/lib/mybroker#
> But I'm unable to access it from my browser
> --
> Sent from:
> f2341805.html

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