
I've followed the test setup and installed a replicated static master/slave 
environment (like documented here: 
https://github.com/jbossdemocentral/amq-ha-replicated-demo). Version is Artemis 
2.7.0. Both master and slave processes start without errors. 

Now I try to find out which is the correct URI using in a artemis-jms-client. 


After doing a lot of Artemis document and google research, I've tried the 
following variants: 


Nothing really works. The tested variants with "failover:" schema are not 
supported for this client, as I can read in the error message. The other 
variants work, as long as the master is running. When regular stopping (or 
killing with -9) the master, there are errors in the client code and no 
transparent failover happens (session get's invalid and/or connection get's 

I also tried to use these 5 different URI's with command line consumer and 
producer but I have the same problems as in the artemis-jms-client. 

Here are my tests with the command line tools: 

Starting the consumer in one console: 
./artemis consumer --url "<one of the 5 URI's mentioned above>" --destination 
topic://abc.def --message-count 10 --data /dev/stdout --durable --clientID 

Starting the producer in an other console: 
./artemis producer --url "<one of the 5 URI's mentioned above>" --destination 
topic://abc.def --message test --sleep 1000 --message-count 10 

While the command line producer is sending messages with 1 second delay and the 
command line consumer receives them, I stop/kill the master and have hoped that 
the failover will happen transparently. But I got more or less the same errors 
as in the artemis-jms-client. 

So my question is just, what is the correct syntax for the client URI to get 
transparent failover for such a master/slave setup (working with both 
artemis-jms-client and command line clients)? 

Thanks in advance, 

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