Hi Tim,

My point is without failover (direct connection).

And yeah, agree about failover (failover deals with "network" outage, single 
broker included).


> Le 8 mai 2021 à 15:37, Tim Bain <tb...@alumni.duke.edu> a écrit :
> If clients use the failover transport (
> https://activemq.apache.org/failover-transport-reference.html),
> reconnection is automatic when the broker becomes available once again.
> Failover isn't just for the case where you have multiple brokers, it also
> allows reconnection to a single broker, or to multiple brokers behind a
> single address (load balancer, DNS name, elastic/static IP, reverse proxy,
> whatever). I'd never consider running a long-lived consumer without it, and
> encourage you to consider it.
> If your consumers use failover, then the only remaining question is how to
> restart the broker. You could do what you described, but 1) why wait for a
> cron, and 2) why check the database yourself if the broker will do it for
> you? I'd just use a wrapper script around the ActiveMQ broker process and
> just let it retry continuously until the connection succeeds. ActiveMQ has
> a wrapper script built in (https://activemq.apache.org/java-service-wrapper),
> so you shouldn't have to do anything custom here.
> JB's description of current behavior sounds different from what you
> describe seeing, so I'm not sure how to reconcile that apparent
> discrepancy.
> As for what the preferred behavior should be, I'll say that it's a lot
> easier to write the broker code correctly if you don't have to worry about
> how to cleanly exit an outage and resume normal operations, only how to
> detect the outage and exit, allowing all am-I-ready code to live on the
> initialization path. So I can see why remaining up and continuing to accept
> incoming messages would be beneficial in some situations, I think it would
> complicate the code and I'm not sure how much value it would actually
> provide. But if you feel strongly about it, submit an enhancement request
> in JIRA and see if you can make an argument for the value it would provide
> that convinces someone to work it.
> Tim
> On Sat, May 8, 2021, 4:22 AM J P <jpswe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Tim.
>> We are using the "Classic" ActiveMQ.
>> Would this behaviour be any different if switching to Artemis?
>> In my view, the preferred behaviour if a client sends a msg to the queue
>> during DB-outage, the send request should "hang" or "block" until the DB
>> becomes available again (possibly throwing a "time-out error" after X
>> seconds, if still no DB-connection).
>> The second choice would be that all send-operations immediately throws an
>> error back, until the DB becomes available again.
>> Either of these behaviours seems far better than just promptly shutting
>> down the whole broker.
>> Esp. since getting all listeners to automatically reconnect after a broker
>> shutdown and restart is tricky and in practice rarely supported(?), I
>> think.
>> So if the broker shuts down, then all listener-processes also need a
>> shutdown and restart, which would not be necessary if the broker stays up
>> during a temporary DB-outage.
>>> would you be OK with having ActiveMQ restart repeatedly until the
>>> database is available again
>> I have considered implementing this through a "crontab-script" or similar.
>> But the problem still is that all listeners also need to be restarted.
>> So what the script would do then is,
>> when detecting that the broker has stopped, basically shutdown all
>> dependent processes,
>> then have the script loop and check for DB-availability,
>> when it comes back first restart the broker, then all the listeners.
>> This is outside the scope of ActiveMQ, though, since it requires monitor
>> and control over the whole environment.
>> ============================================
>>> Tim Bain <tb...@alumni.duke.edu>
>>> Subject Re: ActiveMQ to auto-reconnect on jdbc db-failures?
>>> Date Fri, 07 May 2021 23:41:11 GMT
>>> If instead of staying up and attempting to reconnect to the database
>> (while
>>> still servicing requests without a database connection, whatever that
>> would
>>> mean), would you be OK with having ActiveMQ restart repeatedly until the
>>> database is available again?
>>> Also, is this 5.x or Artemis?
>>> Tim

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