> Is ClientRequestor cheap to make each time?

It's relatively cheap, but of course just about anything can be done enough
to become expensive over time. Also, a ClientRequestor is not thread-safe
so a single instance may be a bottleneck in your application. I don't know
what your performance requirements are, how often you're making these
calls, etc. so it's hard to provide any specific recommendations.

> One of my colleagues found that occasionally closing and re-creating the
ClientRequestor avoids this problem, but I’d like to know why.

I can't rightly say why you're seeing messages build up at this point. The
screenshot shows that there's a consumer on both queues. Perhaps these
consumers are no longer acknowledging the messages they receive. You say
you're only using a single ClientRequestor instance but there's two queues
which indicates two ClientRequestor instances working concurrently so
perhaps you're leaking ClientRequestors at some point.

Do you have a way to reproduce this? If so, could you create a reproducible
test-case which I could use to see the same behavior?


On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 10:55 AM John Lilley
<john.lil...@redpointglobal.com.invalid> wrote:

> We do keep a singleton ClientRequestor around forever.  Perhaps this is
> just wrong?  Is ClientRequestor cheap to make each time?
> One of my colleagues found that occasionally closing and re-creating the
> ClientRequestor avoids this problem, but I’d like to know why.
> I think you can see that image here:
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gKDrg4-tRs7WSPbsqQ7Bu-UfhBPu4Fdj/view?usp=sharing
> john
> [image: rg] <https://www.redpointglobal.com/>
> John Lilley
> Data Management Chief Architect, Redpoint Global Inc.
> 888 Worcester Street, Suite 200 Wellesley, MA 02482
> *M: *+1 7209385761 <+1%207209385761> | john.lil...@redpointglobal.com
> From: Justin Bertram <jbert...@apache.org>
> *Sent:* Monday, January 16, 2023 9:48 AM
> *To:* users@activemq.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: Messages accumulating in management queue
> **** [Caution] This email is from an external source. Please use caution
> responding, opening attachments or clicking embedded links. ****
> > I don’t know if that image comes through the mailing list...
> I can't see your image. For what it's worth, attachments don't usually
> make it through the list.
> Could you upload the image to another location and provide a link?
> Also, could you provide the full stack-trace of the NPE?
> I don't see in your code where you're actually closing the ClientRequestor
> so that might be a problem. Without more details it's impossible to say.
> Justin
> On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 10:31 AM John Lilley <
> john.lil...@redpointglobal.com.invalid> wrote:
> Greetings!
> We are using the Artemis queue-based management APIs, and noticed that one
> of the two management queues that appears in the console starts to grow
> without bound:
> I don’t know if that image comes through the mailing list, but it shows
> two of the xn--activemq-2p3d.management
> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fxn--activemq-2p3d.management&c=E,1,yM5VuqjniGEfl7K4rM70Xa-2jC5pkpu2WMCuv2o_9ssgUAyqDzgAfPDtdn-xMCHxrbyaUxPnF2oUZkGoCF_o-vv_o42p3PRnI9YguDv7nT8RO5syVzebSQ,,&typo=1&ancr_add=1><UUID>”
>  queues, and one of the counts is in the 100s.  It just keeps growing and
> growing by about 300 per minute.
> I’ve tried to browse this queue on the management console, but the
> browse() operation shows an NPE:
> java.lang.NullPointerException : Cannot invoke
> "org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.paging.cursor.PageSubscription.iterator(boolean)"
> because "this.this$0.pageSubscription" is null
> The calls we are making are like:
> String resourceName = ResourceNames.QUEUE + queueName;
> ClientRequestor client = getClient();
> ClientSession clientSession = …
> ClientMessage request = clientSession.createMessage(false);
> ManagementHelper.putAttribute(request, resourceName, attributeName);
> ClientMessage reply = client.request(request);
> Or
> ClientRequestor client = getClient();
> ClientMessage request = clientSession.createMessage(false);
> ManagementHelper.putAttribute(request, resourceName, attributeName);
> ClientMessage reply = client.request(request);
> if (ManagementHelper.hasOperationSucceeded(reply)) {
>        for (var value : (Object[])ManagementHelper.getResult(reply,
> Object.class)) {
>               result.add(value.toString());
>        }
> Any idea what we are doing wrong?
> This happens on windows or linux
> Artemis version 2.27.0.
> java –version
> openjdk 17.0.3 2022-04-19
> OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.3+7 (build 17.0.3+7)
> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-17.0.3+7 (build 17.0.3+7, mixed mode,
> sharing)
> Thanks
> john
> [image: rg]
> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.redpointglobal.com%2f&c=E,1,y0ymtXAc9XiBAplLMyDSTkbZPAR64gUyHhSGTjs8RK2_en31lUYrNYUf9Da_DM9WCm4_pRY8h4_s7PAUvD5SJfK1UCvi3Clxrot9XAr38A,,&typo=1>
> *John Lilley *
> *Data Management Chief Architect, Redpoint Global Inc. *
> 888 Worcester Street, Suite 200 Wellesley, MA 02482
> *M: *+1 7209385761 <+1%207209385761> | john.lil...@redpointglobal.com
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