Just to be clear on your options...

You can use the unofficial transitional Jakarta client for ActiveMQ
"Classic" until an official transitional client is released. Then you can
use the official transitional client once it is released. However, Jakarta
Messaging 3.0 is built on top of JMS 2 so even though these client will
ostensibly work, ActiveMQ "Classic" does not fully implement JMS 2 so not
all features will work (e.g. shared topic subscriptions, async sends using
a CompletionListener [1]).

You also have the option of migrating to ActiveMQ Artemis which has always
fully supported JMS 2.0 and introduced a Jakarta Messaging 3.0 client back
in October 2021.



On Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 4:53 AM Jiří Kakrda <jiri.kak...@unicorn.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> ActiveMQ will probably add the Jakarta namespace support in 5.19.x:
> https://lists.apache.org/thread/mqpyr9t2cngoyqxkw8rwmx7zy7jln745
> Is there any preliminary estimate when this version will be released? We
> would like to update our project to use Spring Boot 3.0 before the
> support for Spring Boot 2.7.x ends in November.
> Kind regards,
> Jiří

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