Hello. We observe strange messages in our logs about ActiveMQ consumers.
17:33:29.684 WARN [Camel (XXXX_context) thread #452 - JmsConsumer[xxxx.internal.queue]] Setup of JMS message listener invoker failed for destination 'xxxx.internal.queue' - trying to recover. Cause: The Consumer is closed This message comes from Camel routes executed in Karaf. Similar messages are produced by consumers in SpringBoot applications. These WARN messages seem not to be always related to real issues, but sometimes application activities have failed after these logs appeared, and a restart of the clients have been required to restore a correct behavior. We have only seen that on a full Kubernetes configuration where both the ActiveMQ server and its clients (Camel/Kafaf or SpringBoot applications) run in the same namespace as distinct pods using a k8s service to join the openwire endpoint. Similar configurations with ActiveMQ or Karaf executed in docker containers or VM have never led to messages of this kind. So, what is the real meaning of this message whose conditions I can't identify ? Did someone already experience this behavior, in Kubernetes or not, ? Thanks in advance. Regards.