> When you say "queue" do you mean a JMS queue?

Yes.  (right now just from the admin interface).

> Why would you necessarily
> expect a queue created on one node to be created on a different node in the
> network?

This is the mental block i'm having.  What my thought is that if a queue
gets created in one broker it would get created in the other brokers.
Based on your question, that's not the case?  The docs doesn't get into
detail here beyond the topologies so if there's a blog or book you'd
recommend to better explain how and when a message created in one broker
gets forwarded to another broker I'd appreciate it.

> Also, what exactly are you doing to create the queue on amq0?
Right now, just using the admin interface.  But my application will create
the queues using JMS on demand.

> Is there any demand (i.e. consumers) for the message on amq1 or amq2? Also,
> if you're using a JMS queue then those messages will be shared among all
> consumers.

Not yet, so based on your question I'm guessing that the message will only
get forwarded if there's a consumer for the same queue in the remote
broker?  i'm looking more for HA then performance, so would I use
masterslave:(...) instead of sync:(...)?


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