Thanks Matt for the explanation.  We have two scenarios we want to be able
to do:

1. In cluster HA - Right now we have one Deployment with a PVC.  If the AMQ
dies the client app stops working until the AMQ deployment is back up.
It's not high volume at all.  If I hear what you're saying, and have read
the docs properly, then what we should do is have two seperate deployments
both pointing to the same PVC in ReadWriteMany.  One (the master) will lock
the kahadb and the other (slave) will wait for the lock to clear.  Then in
our clients we configure the URL with failover and both pods (via their
service dns names) to connect to.  Then tis just a matter of whichever of
the two pods are accepting connections.  Do I have that right?

2. Remote cluster forwarding - for specific queues, I want my client to
write the message to the local cluster's AMQ and then forward that message
to a broker in a remote cluster, regardless of if there's an existing
consumer.  The idea is that certain operations will be written to the
remote cluster to replicate operations.  I want to the reliability of
knowing that my client has sent the message to the local cluster, and the
local cluster will reliably deliver it to the remote cluster, even if that
cluster is not available right now.  Is that what i'd use a virtual
destination for?  or would I configure the remote AMQ to be a client to the
local AMQ so that it pulls in the message and stores it locally until the
client pulls it in?

Am I thinking about this correctly?

Thanks again

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