Comments inline
Am 29.11.13 17:24, schrieb Markus Innerebner:
* <mirror>**
** <id>archiva.default</id>**
** <mirrorOf>external:*</mirrorOf>**
** </mirror>**
** <mirror>**
** <id>archiva.apache.snapshot</id>**
** <mirrorOf>apache.snapshots</mirrorOf>**
** </mirror>*
I think you should set the first mirrorOf to
"external:*,!apache.snapshots" otherwise the first wildcard will include
the second. Also I personally prefer *,!apache.snapshots as I'm not
sure, why one would have local file based or localhost repositories and
just using * is shorter / easier to understand to non experienced Maven
users. YMMV
[AdminInM@ABZ01SDE test]$ mvn clean install
Did you try with -U ??? Otherwise Maven will not retry to download from
Archiva but cache the error.
How does the POM look like? Is there a repository specified, which holds
the edu.eurac.test:test:jar:1.0 artifact? And is the correct Proxy
Connector added to the Archiva "internal" repository?