Hi Camel users

To process arbitrary logic in my Camel routes, I use simple bean calls.
That is fine because I can test all these pieces of logic with standard
unit tests.

However, often the bean calls produce results that are saved in the message
header (if I need to save it for later) or Exchange properties (if it is
only needed in the current route).

So my bean methods often look like this:
public void setDocumentGuid(@Headers Map<String, Object> headers);

The header-map is passed to add new headers, the method is simply called
with "bean(bean, method)" in the route.

My problem arised in the route tests where I mock away the whole bean. I
can mock the method call, but I cannot add entries to the header- or
property-maps. So if the header or property entry is expected later in the
route, it fails.

Therefore I moved to bean methods like this:
public String setDocumentGuid();

The header-map is no more needed, since the header value is returned and
the method is called with "setHeader(headerKey, bean(bean, method)" in the
route. Now I can return whatever I like from the mock.

But the problem returns if

#1: I have multiple values or objects I would like to save. I cannot return
them in the method (without creating a "transport object" or returning a
map), so I need to add them to the headers or properties in the method, but
then they are not existing when I mock the method call.

#2: I would like to test a subroutes (direct:) that is expecting Exchange
properties from the parent route. I cannot easily set these properties for
the tests of the subroute (I probably could by injecting a processor for
the test that sets them, but the most simple test would become quite

I would like to only test the correct message flow with route tests and
therefore mock away all beans (that are already tested with unit-tests),
but since my beans set message headers or properties they are like a
route-extension and needed to execute the route correctly.

Am I missing a basic Camel concept? How do you draw the line between route
with headers/properties and "external" components like beans?

Thanks for any help

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