
Not the easiest route to follow ;) But basically the log seems to say that
you are doing a synchronous action over some protocol and waiting for a
response. You fail to get the response within 30000 milliseconds so you get
a timeout exception. I suspect it is in the bean(iJobService) based on the
logs but can't confirm. Do you do any calls to third party systems in that


On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 1:08 AM, Ryan T [via Camel] <
ml+s465427n5798367...@n5.nabble.com> wrote:

> More code that might help in diagnosing the issue.  What do you think
> could be happening?
> public class TimeOutErrorProcessor implements Processor {
>       private static final Logger LOGGER = 
> LogManager.getLogger(TimeOutErrorProcessor.class.getName());
>       public TimeOutErrorProcessor() {
>               // Empty Constructor
>       }
>       @Override
>       public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
>               LOGGER.debug("Begin:TimeOutErrorProcessor");
>               String trackingId = "";
>               final List<DeviceInformation> timeOutList = 
> (List<DeviceInformation>) exchange.getProperty(IConstant.TIMEOUT_DEVICE_LIST);
>               final DeviceInformation deviceInformation = (DeviceInformation) 
> exchange.getIn().getBody();
>               trackingId = "[" + deviceInformation.getNetSuiteId() + "] - ";
>               printTimeoutDetails(exchange, trackingId);
>               LOGGER.warn(trackingId + " NetSuite Id of timeOut Device 
> is................" + deviceInformation.getNetSuiteId());
>               timeOutList.add(deviceInformation);
>               exchange.setProperty(IConstant.TIMEOUT_DEVICE_LIST, 
> timeOutList);
>               LOGGER.debug("End:TimeOutErrorProcessor");
>       }
>       private static void printTimeoutDetails(Exchange exchange, String 
> midwayId) {
>               LOGGER.warn(midwayId + " Id");
>               LOGGER.warn(midwayId + " CamelFailureRouteId: " + 
> exchange.getProperty("CamelFailureRouteId"));
>               LOGGER.warn(midwayId + " CamelFailureEndpoint: " + 
> exchange.getProperty("CamelFailureEndpoint"));
>               RouteContext routeContext = (exchange.getUnitOfWork() == null 
> || exchange.getUnitOfWork().getRouteContext() == null) ? null : 
> exchange.getUnitOfWork().getRouteContext();
>               String routeId =  routeContext != null ? 
> exchange.getUnitOfWork().getRouteContext().getRoute().getId() : "Unknown";
>               LOGGER.warn(midwayId + " RouteId: " + routeId);
>               final ExchangeTimedOutException ex = 
> (ExchangeTimedOutException) exchange.getProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT);
>               if (ex != null) {
>                       LOGGER.warn(midwayId + " Error: " + ex.getMessage(), 
> ex);
>               }
>               LOGGER.warn(midwayId + " TimeOut exception 
> occurred................" + exchange.getIn().getBody().toString());
>       }
> }
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