I have been reading and correcting the posted 4.2 documentation changes that I understand or where the English errors are very clear.

I have filed JIRAs and some have been fixed.

I would be willing to participate in a workshop to walk through the installation with someone who actually knows what it s supposed to say.


On 12/08/2013 10:41 AM, Daan Hoogland wrote:
you are right Ron, but even those companies/people can only spend
their time once. So please submit you improvements whenever you can.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 4:32 PM, Ron Wheeler
<rwhee...@artifact-software.com> wrote:
On 12/08/2013 10:08 AM, Travis Graham wrote:
One of the most confusing things I've ran into, past the fact the
documentation is wrong about 80% of the time, is the mix of CentOS and
Ubuntu instructions.

I think splitting things out into their own OS specific install guides
would reduce a lot of confusion.

I was browsing the 4.2 docs in the repo this weekend and I'm still not
seeing swath of the incorrect info being updated. Maybe things that haven't
been rolled into the 4.2 branch yet.
I hope that this gets done. It is the biggest problem that CloudStack has in
getting traction.

You only get one chance to make a first impression and the impression at the
moment is that the system does not work and is not ready for prime time
except for organizations that have a development group ready to read the
code and fix the docs for their installation.



On Aug 12, 2013, at 9:59 AM, Ron Wheeler <rwhee...@artifact-software.com>

The documentation is wrong which is a big problem.

It is also confusing with extraneous stuff stuck in the middle and
missing introductory information to explain where the instructions are

There seems to be a big effort to get 4.2 out with accurate docs and I
hope more clarifying text and drawings.

It appears that there is a lot of effort going into external Wiki
documentation to make up for the state of the manuals.


On 12/08/2013 4:10 AM, Mark van der Meulen wrote:

I am having a little trouble understanding how the cloudstack networking
model works, I have read the documentation and enquired on IRC(without
response) and still don't really get it. I suspect if I was able to setup
CloudStack and play with it I would understand, however given that I have to
go through a complex networking setup to get the Zone/Pod/Cluster/Host even
setup to start with, I haven't been able to get far enough in to start

Based on what I have read, I think I would like to setup a Public Cloud,
essentially some hypervisors on a private network(lets say
and storage on another network(let's say and then all the
VM's given public IP's(let's say I don't understand how to
do that, or even what the difference is between a Guest network and Public
network(do they have to be separate?)

I'm used to just building VM's in vSphere and the reason I would like to
move to CloudStack is for the automation and ability to give not so
technical people access to creating VM's. On vSphere this would be easy,
iSCSI and Management on the same 10G NIC with different VLAN tags, and then
guest network on another NIC. Replicating this into Cloudstack with KVM
doesn't seem possible? Can I use VLAN tagging?

Other questions I have are around the multitude of DNS servers(internal,
external, etc) that the CloudStack Management server asks me for when I set
up the Pod/Cluster/Host as well as internal and external networks - then how
do I assign and make sure all configuration is okay across hypervisors?

If someone could point me towards a good guide I would really appreciate



Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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