I have build a small private cloud for an R&D project for one of my clients.  I 
have 3 hosts each with 16gb memory and 8 cores (AMD) per host.    I’m using 
Cloudstack 4.1 and hosts are Ubuntu 12.04 w/KVM.   These CPUs can vary clock 
speeds based on bios settings which is enabled.  The Cloudstack dashboard 
correctly estimates the CPU clock speed at its MAX of 3500 MHz.  But, when I 
log onto the guests and run virt-top it says 1400MHz which I assume is its 
current throttled down clock speed.  I am still setting things up and have not 
had the chance to put the hosts under enough load to see of it clocks up.  My 
questions are:  Does Cloudstack support viewable clocked CPUs in hosts? How 
does Cloudstack support variable clocked hosts from a real-time capacity load 
perspective and a usage perspective.  
Pete Johnson

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