On 24/09/2013 11:44 PM, Clay Tyler wrote:
Hi all,

I'm looking for someone who can/will install/set up a cloudstack.
I hope this isn't the wrong place to ask because if nothing else, I'd 
appreciate some guidance.

If it is the wrong place, please steer me in the right direction.

If it's OK, then I'd REALLY like to talk with someone about this.

I've got a router, switch and 4 servers (mgmt, host, primary, secondary) - 
seemed the right thing to do based on my reading of the installation guide.

I could do it myself really but I think I could accelerate my learning and make 
fewer missteps by partnering with someone who's more experienced.



Is this a paying gig?

Would other people want to have a workshop on how to setup a simple CloudStack setup? The installation docs are still a work in progress so it is hard to get a simple setup going.

I would be interested if the price was right!

I can provide a Saba Collaboration setup to host a small meeting.

Is someone able to provide the technical expertise for a 1 hour session? $$$

If there is an audience, we should set up some basic prerequisites so we don't waste a lot of time - Server(s) with OS installed (what OS, what options?) What software packages installed or downloaded ready for installation. - agreed network configuration (#NICs installed, agreed network IP addresses for virtual network) - agreed "final" state (Cloudstack with 1 guest VM on 1 physical machine or Cloudstack with 1 guest VM on each of 2 physical machines if that can be doe in an hour.) - access to terminal window on the server(s) through the same PC used to attend meeting so we can share screens if required.
- ??? anything else that needs doing to have an effective session.


Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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