Just as a data point, at Citrix we actually decided to skip 4.4 and didn¹t
put out a commercial distribution based on it.  We put all our energy into
fixing bugs that went into 4.5.  We¹re now bringing up large customers on
4.5, but too early to publish results.  Overall, though, I feel good about
4.5 quality.

On 2/11/15, 9:53 AM, "Daan Hoogland" <daan.hoogl...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Today we had a talk at work (Schuberg Philis) about our CloudStack
>strategy. We decided that we will keep at 4.4 until we have a good
>test environment of our own and then skip to 4.6 or up, depending on
>where we merge our redundant vpc work in. We don't have any time to
>put energy in 4.5 and need some features that won't make it there. The
>afore mentioned redundant vpcs, but also ipv6 for vpcs and ovm
>What I am wondering now is:
>Who else is on 4.4 in production systems?
>What versions do you run?
>How did you test it before going to production?
>What are your migration plans?

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