Hi guys,
I'm using CS 4.4.2 and i just want to know if there is a chance to improve
the current console.
I do not want to denigrate the work of developers because I love CloudStack
and I think it's very undervalued compared to other competitors ... but the
console is really bad.
Any other product has a better console: Proxmox, SolusVM, Euchalyptus, etc
I know that compared to the entire ecosystem of CloudStack the console is a
small piece of the puzzle, but it's the piece that the end user sees first.
The console is virtually unusable performing an installation from ISO, the
characters are not transferred properly, when you reboot an instance the
console goes in Access Denied and you have to re-open, while using it there
is a continuous flapping of the screen.
So the user have to open the SSH or RDP ports to the Internet to connect
directly to his instance and work better ... reducing security and
increasing the user inconvenience.
Is there any chance of improvement?

Thank you very much

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