AFAIK they - Proxmox, SolusVM and others are using noVNC HTML5
implementation, it is pretty fast and works fine. Btw, it is opensource.
Link to the noVNC github: https://github.com/kanaka/noVNC
It could be a nice feature for Cloudstack.

On 7 May 2015 at 16:48, Alessandro Caviglione <c.alessan...@gmail.com>

> Hi guys,
> I'm using CS 4.4.2 and i just want to know if there is a chance to improve
> the current console.
> I do not want to denigrate the work of developers because I love CloudStack
> and I think it's very undervalued compared to other competitors ... but the
> console is really bad.
> Any other product has a better console: Proxmox, SolusVM, Euchalyptus, etc
> ...
> I know that compared to the entire ecosystem of CloudStack the console is a
> small piece of the puzzle, but it's the piece that the end user sees first.
> The console is virtually unusable performing an installation from ISO, the
> characters are not transferred properly, when you reboot an instance the
> console goes in Access Denied and you have to re-open, while using it there
> is a continuous flapping of the screen.
> So the user have to open the SSH or RDP ports to the Internet to connect
> directly to his instance and work better ... reducing security and
> increasing the user inconvenience.
> Is there any chance of improvement?
> Thank you very much

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