Hi all,

I'm testing 4.11-rc1 and the new L2 network type feature as shown at

I want to use this as a replacement to a shared network offering with no
DHCP which works to support an external DHCP server but still required to
fill some CIDR information.

I thought the intent was that L2 network type was to replace the previous
approach when required to integrate an existing network.

If I attempt to provision a VM in a project as the root admin using the L2
network I get denied... apparently because they are not shared and I can't
make them public.

('HTTP 531 response from CloudStack', <Response [531]>, {u'errorcode': 531,
u'uuidList': [], u'cserrorcode': 4365, u'errortext': u'Unable to use
network with id= 7712102b-bbdf-4c54-bdbf-9fddfa16de46, permission denied'})

Provisioning in the root project works just fine....  but really I want to
use L2 networks in user projects even if only the admin can do so.

Thoughts ?

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