>>> Ken Gaillot <kgail...@redhat.com> schrieb am 10.01.2022 um 22:01 in
> Re‑raising this due to the recent holidays ...
> Is translation of Pacemaker option help and man pages something people
> would like to see?

Interestingly some big companies frequently offer these languages:
Englich, French, Chinese, Japanese

My guess is that those are mainly there because the people refuse English for
some reason or the other.
Specifically note that German is not in that list.

> Would anyone be willing to contribute or proofread translations if the
> tools were easy?

I helped with a German translation in some Android app once, and I realized
that it was much more work than I had assumed originally...


> On Fri, 2021‑12‑03 at 15:02 ‑0600, Ken Gaillot wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> A user has graciously submitted a pull request to demonstrate native
>> language support for Pacemaker help output:
>>  https://github.com/ClusterLabs/pacemaker/pull/2564 
>> Long ago, we had a few translations of "Clusters from Scratch" and
>> "Pacemaker Explained", but those proved to be too large and
>> frequently
>> changing to be maintainable.
>> Log messages also change frequently, making translations difficult to
>> maintain. Not to mention, commercial support personnel will not
>> always
>> be able to read the native languages of their users.
>> However, help output (cluster property descriptions, man pages, etc.)
>> is seen only by the end user, and doesn't change as often. The pull
>> request implements a Chinese translation of some cluster option help
>> as
>> a proof‑of‑concept using GNU gettext.
>> Since this would be a substantial change and require additional
>> maintenance, I'd like to get as much feedback as possible. Reply to
>> this email, or comment on the PR if you're interested in more
>> technical
>> details.
>> If we implement this, we'd need volunteers for making and
>> proofreading
>> translations. Ideally, we'd also sign up with an online service that
>> provides a friendly web interface for translations, but with this
>> initial proof‑of‑concept, it involves github pull requests and
>> reviews.
>> Thoughts?
> ‑‑ 
> Ken Gaillot <kgail...@redhat.com>
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