From: "Horsfield, Peter A." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey Sonny,

Sorry it didn't end up clear.


the first, and differing, part can be any name that is
mapped to the RequestURIModule in cocoon.xconf :

<component-instance logger="core.modules.input" name="requestURI"


<component-instance logger="core.modules.input" name="request"

It doesn't matter what name you give it, as long as you use the
same in both sitemap and cocoon.xconf.

The second part, always 'requestURI', is handled internally by
org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.input.RequestURIModule. This
handling currently returns the URI as discussed and does not
change based on the mapped name of the module.

Ok, I understand that the prefix (e.g. "request" in "request:requestURI") is just an alias set in cocoon.xconf and used in sitemap.xmap. I was assuming the "request" prefix maps to class RequestModule and the "requestURI" prefix maps to class RequestURIModule.

Assuming these things, I'd like something that returns the request URI along with the full query string. For example, if I request "";, then I'd like to get the "showSomePage?pageId=1&otherParam=ABC" (so I can set it as a <cinclude:include> src attribute value, as I mentioned yesterday).

So, in light of this, which one should I be using?

Thanks again,


-----Original Message-----
From: Sonny Sukumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 2:21 PM
Subject: request:requestURI vs requestURI:requestURI

Hey guys,

Does anybody know the difference between {request:requestURI} and
{requestURI:requestURI}?  I was discussing these things with Tony and Peter
on the list yesterday, but I didn't get this quite clear in my mind.

Do either of these return the full query string as well?  I think I need

FYI, the "requestURI" refers is not declared in cocoon.xconf by default
(apparently) and refers to this class:



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