Enrico wrote:
> I download remote xhtml files with a FileGenerator and
> send lots of HTTP GET requests over the network to retrieve
> the XHTML DTD/entities :(

Are they for XHTML1? If so, then Cocoon already has these by
default so you don't need to configure anything. If you see
network trips happening, then something is wrong with Cocoon.

> However, I did configure the catalog (which includes all the
> necessary stuff for XHTML)!

If it is for XHTML2, then Cocoon does not supply these and
you will need to configure a local catalog.

> Cocoon sees it at startup but still, goes over the network to fetch them

So you are seeing the messages from the Resolver because
you have raised the verbosity level in cocoon.xconf. Do they
list the DTDs that you are interested in? You may need to raise
to verbosity=10 to get those.

> I just used the default resources/entities/ tree that come which
> cocoon-2.0.4 
> and put it in my web dir

You don't need to do that. Cocoon already supplies all of that
when your webapp is built.

> and have :
>  <resolver class="org.apache.cocoon.components.resolver.ResolverImpl">
>   <parameter name="catalog" value="/resources/entities/catalog"/>
>   <parameter name="verbosity" value="2"/>
>  </resolver>
> in the cocoon.xconf.

You only need to edit this section of cocoon.xconf
to increase the "verbosity" for testing or to add an
*extra* catalog of your own, e.g to map an
"Acme species list DTD" to a local DTD file. For this
you would use the "local-catalog" parameter and not the
"catalog" parameter as you have done. The "catalog" parameter
is for Cocoon's default catalog.

I presume you have seen the documentation at


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