Enrico wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:

> Thanks for your help.
>  I just jumped to cocoon-2.1 and everything's working fine now!

That is a relief.

> Nevertheless, I had some troubles with cocoon-2.0.4 :

Well we need to fix that if it is a bug.

> I am working with XHTML1 documents, and as you said the default
> catalog should have shortcut all of those network xhtml1-DTD/entity 
> resolving.
> (I did not set up a local catalog, just used the main one).

Ah, okay i got a bit confused.

> It worked fine when 'FileGenerating' local XHTML pages, but not with
> remote ones (weird?).


> (I saw the network trip of the DTDs with a packet-capture tool (ngrep))

Thanks, i will investigate with that too.

> Then, I tried a cocoon-2.0.5-dev which correctly used the catalog. But,
> I noticed some duplicated HTTP GET requests for any xhtml document
> I 'FileGenerated' (a behavior that I actually also noticed with 
> cocoon-2.0.4)
> Hope this is just a personal misconfiguration problem

It doesn't sound like it. If this problem is not in 2.0.5-dev
then this would be a good reason to make a new release, even if
we don't know why the issue is fixed.

We should investigate it further.


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