
This is a bug, in my opinion. I already posted it in the dev mailing list
(but haven't got an answer yet).

Here's my work around: Think of "role", instead of "name"
org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment fragment = <xsp-session-fw:getxml as="object"
context="authentication" path="/authentication/data/name"/>
StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer();
for(int i = 0; i&lt; fragment.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++){

Now the whole string is saved in the variable "name", you can use now for
your perpose.

Hope that helped,

Good luck,


> Hi,
> I'm using the Authentication framework and was trying to retreive the 
> 'role' of a user by using the session. (just using the sitemap parameter 
> {role} works fine)
> In an XSP I used the following line:
> String role = <xsp-session-fw:getxml  context="authentication"  
> path="/authentication/role" as="string"/>;
> I expected to get the full value of 'role', but got only a part of it. 
> Apparently that line does not get every text node from the role element, 
> but just the first one.
> (If I retreive it as a documentfragment, all is fine but I do want it as 
> a string and don't want to parse the node itself!)
> Is this a bug?? If not, what is the meaning of the 'as="string"'??
> Greetings,
> Jan

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