Sorry Upayavira, I must have skipped your reply.

I'm not sure I understood your explaination right. You say the CLI handles
request params, in the way that you hardcode it in the URL src-Attribute. Is
that right? But how can I set the request params dynamically?

In case I use the "command line parameter method" I can generate a text file
with my urls (including the request params) in my command line before I call
cocoon cli, but how can I do it when I want to use the Xconf method?



> Stephanie Zohner wrote:
> >Hi, 
> >
> >Sorry, for contacting you directy. I posted my problem in the cocoon
> users
> >mailing list before, but did not get any reply. 
> >
> >I'm just trying to get a better understanding of the cocoon command line
> >interface. The configuration is quite tricky but with the help of the
> >mailing
> >list I could run a simple example, at least.
> >
> >However, my problem now is: How can I configure request parameters for
> one
> >of the URLS in the cli.xconf?
> >Can I hand request params over to a defined uri when I call the cocoon
> cli?
> >
> >Thanks for your help,
> >
> >Stephanie
> >
> >  
> >
> Stephanie,
> You did get a reply. I replied on the list. You can see my reply at:
> As I say there, if you feel like helping to improve request parameter 
> handling, I'd happily help you...
> Regards, Upayavira

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