Stephanie Zohner wrote:


I'm still fighting with request params in CLI xconf.

For testing I added the request params to the URI src attribute (see below).
The called pipeline inserts an xml element in an existing xml file.

1. problem:
When I run cocoon cli with this xconf file, the generation is completed with
no errors but instead of one xml element, two element are added to the

So it seems that the defined pipeline is called twice instead of only once.
But what command does produce this behaviour? When I call the pipeline in the
browser everything works fine.

Yup. Once to get the links and once to get the page. If you switch off 'confirm-extensions', I think that should get you down to one.

2. problem:
Can I configure request-params with the "command line parameter method",
too? How is the syntax for the url in the command line then?

Yes. Any parameters without switches will be taken as URIs. Just tack the request parameters onto the end of the URI and you'll be done.

What is it you are trying to achieve with the CLI?

(I've got an answer planned to your previous post - no time right now).

Regards, Upayavira

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