On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 22:11:27 +0000
Upayavira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> It is currently untested. Try it and report back please.
> As to is it 're-entrant'? Well, adding the Crawler class
> took it a lot further to being rentrant, but it isn't
> there yet. At the moment, the Bean is configured using
> cocoonBean.addTarget(). For it to be re-entrant, each call
> would need to use a different Crawler, with
> crawler.addTarget() used to add new targets. We'd have to
> decide what interface we want to expose, but when we've
> done that, I think the code changes should be pretty easy.
> Regards, Upayavira

Hi Upayavira,

i hope i understood this. A 're-entrant' Target need a new
Crawler, an 'new Target' (which was not processed before)
can add to the old Crawler and processed with it? 
If there any benefit to distinguish these cases? 
In most cases someone add Targets to the Bean an call
process(). All Targets in the Crawler now process and cannot
processed again with this Crawler. If i add now one of the
processed Targest, i want process this Target again.

Is so, then it is possible, the Crawler is replaced after
every process()-call with a new empty Crawler?

With CheckSumURI, there is a controller over processed URI's

Other question ;)

Is there a way to stop the processing? I have only found
dispose(), but this need then a new CocoonBean-instance.

Best Regards,

Simon Mieth

BTW: i will release a 0.1 of my cocoon-app next week.

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