
The content is returned from a request to a JRun server that returns the

I tried setting the pipeline to noncaching, no difference.

I also tried taking JRun out of the equation with a simple test as follows.
If I try to retrieve http://localhost:8080/cocoon/test5.pdf, I see two
requests in the localhost access logs for test5.xml.

(note this is just a test sitemap... the XML normally comes from a http
request to another server, not from cocoon)

                <map:pipeline type="noncaching">
                        <map:match pattern="test*.xml" type="wildcard">
                                <map:generate type="file"
                                <map:serialize type="html"/>
                        <map:match pattern="test*.pdf" type="wildcard">
                                <map:act type="request">
                                        <map:parameter name="parameters"
                                        <map:generate type="file"
                                        <map:transform type="xslt-notinc"
                                <map:serialize type="fo2pdf"/>

                        etc etc...

-----Original Message-----
How about once for the last modified, once for the content.  How are you 
generating the content?   If it's a cocoon pipeline, why not use cocoon: 
pseudo-protocol?  If not, try switching to uncached pipeline.  There may 
be a bug in the way the http protocol handler is working with 
last-modified - which could of course already be fixed in cvs, so make 
sure you check bugzilla and/or the cvs head (will soon be released as 
2.1.4).  Also, if your dynamic process is not able to generate last 
modified info without going through its whole process then you'll need 
to either not cache the cocoon end, or look into the event-based cache 
(eventcache block).


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