If it is the PDF and you access it via Internet Explorer and the Adobe Plugin it is an issue of IE. IE requests the file twice.


On 04.02.2004 14:44, Teator, Michael wrote:


The content is returned from a request to a JRun server that returns the

I tried setting the pipeline to noncaching, no difference.

I also tried taking JRun out of the equation with a simple test as follows.
If I try to retrieve http://localhost:8080/cocoon/test5.pdf, I see two
requests in the localhost access logs for test5.xml.

(note this is just a test sitemap... the XML normally comes from a http
request to another server, not from cocoon)

                <map:pipeline type="noncaching">
                        <map:match pattern="test*.xml" type="wildcard">
                                <map:generate type="file"
                                <map:serialize type="html"/>
                        <map:match pattern="test*.pdf" type="wildcard">
                                <map:act type="request">
                                        <map:parameter name="parameters"
                                        <map:generate type="file"
                                        <map:transform type="xslt-notinc"
                                <map:serialize type="fo2pdf"/>

etc etc...

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