On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 07:46:26 +0000
beyaNet Consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> so far I have been making reference to images via my
> sitemap as   standard:
>                       <map:match pattern="*.jpg">
>                               <map:read mine-type="text/jpeg"
>                               src="images/{1}.jpg" />
>                       </map:match>
> As I am now using inline images I have changed my sitemap
> to the  following:
>                       <map:match pattern="artist1">
>                               <map:read mine-type="image/jpeg"
>                               src="artist1" />
>                       </map:match>
> My image structure is:
>                       <xsp:element name="object">
>                               <xsp:attribute
>                               name="id">artist1</xsp:attribute><xsp:attr
>                               ibute
>                               name="width">200</xsp:attribute><xsp:attri
>                               bute
>                               name="height">200</xsp:attribute><xsp:attr
>                               ibute
>                               name="type">image/jpeg</xsp:attribute><xsp
>                               :attribute  
> name="data">data:image/jpeg;base64,<xsp:expr>base64-strin
> g</xsp:expr></ xsp:attribute>
>                       </xsp:element>
> When viewed in the browser the image is broken, i.e. it
> cannot find it.  How do i resolve this? Do I reference
> back to the xsl page the image  sits in?
> The sitemap structure for the page the image sits in is:
>                       <map:generate type="serverpages"
>                       src="xsp/{../1}.xsp" /><map:transform
>                       type="xslt" src="style/frame-page.xsl"
>                       /><map:serialize type="html"/>
> many thanks in advance


the map:read can only read images direct. If you want to get
your images from your db, then you have to create an own
reader (java-component, no xsp) that query your db and write
the image to the reponse-stream direct.

But i see you have the images base64 endcoded, isnt it?
You can now simple create a pipeline like this.

<map:match pattern="*.jpg">
   <map:generate type="serverpages" src="my.xsp" /> 
<!-- your xsp, that get the images from db and make a
svg here-->   
   <map:serialize type="svg2jpeg"/>

Your XSP should give a SVG-XML-document like:

<svg width="...." height="......">
<image xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink
xlink:href="data:image/png;base64,!!!your base64 string
here !!!"/>

Best Regards,


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