Simon,I can save the image in Netscape and then load it up into IE without any problems. Does IE support src="data:image/jpeg;base64 ???
On 16 Feb 2004, at 21:48, Simon Mieth wrote:


On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 16:51:27 +0000 beyaNet Consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

thanks for the tip you gave earlier. It works fine in
Netscape but is a  broken image in IE. What am I doing

My xsp looks like this:

                        byte[] photoa = artist.getArtistPhoto1();
                        <!-- base64 encode byte array -->
                        String newPhoto =

                        <!-- remove spaces from string -->
                String newPhoto1 =

I think you dont need this. If your byte-array holds the image, then the encoded String hold this bytes without erasable whitespaces and if there a Whitespace it should be there. ;-)

                        <svg width="200" height="200">
                        <xsp:element name="image">
p:expr></xsp: attribute>

My sitemap looks like this:

                        <map:match pattern="frame/*.jpg">
                                <map:generate type="serverpages"
                                /><map:serialize type="svg2jpeg"/>

many thanks in advance

Can you save the image in Netscape or use something like wget and open in IE with the same error? You can test the svg with a static image from the filesystem?

I use encode images with filter, that works in IE. So i dont
now where the problem is. I remember there were problems
with IE and the svg/jpeg/png serializer, but i thing this is
solved. Maybe the mail-archive can help you.

Best Regards,


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