I thought about other method to save woody data back into database ,like ojb ...,but I think using existing action to save xml data is much more flexible(don't need write java code every application/table).Woody now is not stable and easy to use now,but for long time maintain,I still choose Woody.If you unstand what input module is,the code I paste for you is almost the whole code then,just try it,it won't spend you more than an afternoon.

roy huang
<<------Derek wrote:
Thanks Roy, but this is all far too complex for my needs ... I will see if there are any other suggestions

(my feeling right now is that Woody seems to simplify some things but hugely complicate others:
I might be better off doing things the "old way" - with
actions and simple form validation and not trying to
incorporate flow + Woody + custom java et al....)


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