
Compiere I had already begun looking at. It seems to be carrying a lot of what is, for the basic CRM we need, excess baggage to support ERP, manufacturing industries etc. - is that a fair assessment?Same question as to Chris Chesney - what do you feel I'd gain from a Compiere+Cocoon impl that I ouldn't see from just Cocoon?

Thinlet, however, looks absolutely brilliant, thank you - and wow! Even with the new Microsoft/Sun agreement the only JVM I can rely on having around is 1.1 - so a XUL viewer that uses Java 1.1 is pretty close to Presentation Layer Nirvana.

You must have decided that adding Compiere to the mix gives you some significant extra value - is this in the extra business logic modules (ERP etc) or in the architecture?

Chris, Jeff - did either of you look at Hipergate before you made your selections? For straight CRM it seems possibly further developed than either Compiere or OFBiz, at least AFAICT.

Thanks for the pointers,

At 17:01 09/04/2004, you wrote:


We're in the process of creating a Cocoon-based solution using Compiere.
We're actually using a thinlet front-end ( and using Cocoon
to create the XUL that it feeds from. So far, so good.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Chesney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 7:42 AM
Subject: RE: CRM or Sales Force Automation using Cocoon?


OFBiz is a java-based platform that implements a service-oriented
architecture and does a pretty good job separating concerns.  To
simplify, it has a persistence layer, a service layer and an MVC layer
for web clients.  A Cocoon app could integrate/utilize OFBiz at various
levels.  How (specifically) were you intending on using Cocoon in this
context?  Feel free to take this offline if you feel it wouldn't be
appropriate for this list.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Nichols [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 5:17 PM
Subject: CRM or Sales Force Automation using Cocoon?


Is anyone aware of a Sales Force Automation or Customer Relationship
Management system built using Cocoon? Something with the functionality
of or similar would be ideal. There are some intersting
projects out there for doing CRM, including OFBIZ, Compiere and
but Cocoon is just so good I want to keep as much as possible of what we

build using the Cocoon platform. Any suggestions?

FWIW, other CRM tools can be found in a recent posting at

Pointers, anyone?


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