Hi all,

I use the following sitemap fragment to retrieve xml formatted contents
from a JSP page, transform it and return it to the client as XML:

<map:match pattern="**.ext">
<map:generate type="jsp" src="{1}.jsp"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/page2ext.xslt">
        <map:parameter name="contextPath"
        <map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" value="true"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>

This works fine, except for the returned mime-type. Instead of returning
the 'text/xml' mime-type (as expected by the XML serializer that does
have the 'mime-type="text/xml"' attribute), Cocoon returns a 'text/html'

I think this 'text/html' mime-type comes from the JSP Generator,
although I'm not for sure. Does anybody know how I can overwrite the
returned mime-type within Cocoon?

Thanking you in advance,

        Wouter Westendorp

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