At 8/28/2004  07:14 AM, you wrote:

Some might say that what you want is a Content Repository and not a CMS. Anyway, I just started looking at the JCR Reference Implementation that is in Slide's CVS and thinking about integrating it with Cocoon, but I cannot yet make up my mind as to what kinds of components would be useful to have. Do you have any suggestions?

I would imagine this would be very similar to the webdav block except it wouldn't use webdav. I envision a source resolver to get content directly out of the cms from the sitemap and a transformer to integrate cms content on a page in a manner similar to the i18n transformer. It might also be useful to have a way to get the content from Velocity and JXTemplates, although the templates could just insert tags that are resolved by the transformer.

You should also consider that at the moment there are no content repositories offering a JSR-170 compliant interface, AFAIK.

Yeah. I noticed that. I am going to end up writing my own JSR-170 interface to something else (we haven't made a final decision on the "somthing else" yet.

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