
I am evaluating the Cocoon Portal (CP) as an option for a client and
have some initial HIGH LEVEL Q's for those who have experience with it.

1. How is Single Sign On achieved with CP? 
The client is running numerous backend systems and would like to
aggregate content through the portal. For example documents from the
Document Management System and KPI's from Oracle. How does the CP handle

2. Universal Search
How would you implement a universal search of all content sources using

3. Document and Records Management
Are there any recommended open source document management systems
(preferably Java based) that integrate well with CP? Anyone have any
specific experiences with these?

I'm fairly non technical, operating at an executive viewpoint so high
level non technical answers would be appreciated.

Many thanks.

Alan Cox
LeftClick Ltd - User Experience Design
Mobile:         029 981 2686 
DDI:            03 3798981 
Physical:       Cii Building, 200 Armagh St, Christchurch CBD, NZ. 
Postal:         LeftClick Ltd, Cii, PO Box 13761, Christchurch, NZ
Web:            www.leftclick.co.nz

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