Hi all,

I currently build "plain" HTML forms out of given XML files.
As well as the other way round: I save the user input from these forms
back to XML file.

For the conversion back to XML I use RequestGenerator (with some
attached XSLT transformations).

This works quite fine with one exception. (of course...). For some
special characters RequestGenerator will convert these characters into
numeric entities (e.g.: Лж&#8502). Others won't be touched,
but passed "nativ", as a single character.
So the most european special characters (which are also defined within
ISO-8859-1) will be passed. Greek or Hebrew letters will be converted to
numeric entities.

This behaviour seems to be quite independent of the form-encoding used
for RequestGenerator (ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8).

Is there a way to prevent the conversion into entities, but always
generate UTF-8 encoding?
Has anybody out there tried to allow unicode characters in HTML forms?



PS: I can't use Woody for generating/handling the forms, as the model
for storing the form data is not fixed, but depends on the XML file

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