Huber, Daniel wrote:
I currently build "plain" HTML forms out of given XML files.
As well as the other way round: I save the user input from these forms back to XML file.
This behaviour seems to be quite independent of the form-encoding used for RequestGenerator (ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8).

Is there a way to prevent the conversion into entities, but always
generate UTF-8 encoding?
Has anybody out there tried to allow unicode characters in HTML forms?

Use set-encoding action in your pipeline:

    <map:act type="set-encoding">
      <map:parameter name="form-encoding" value="utf-8"/>

Sorry, this will convert all characters which used to be correct into '?'. (e.g. 

This is quite weired, because I already used:
   <map:generator label="content" name="request" ... 

... so I didn't really expected a change.

It really seems that I got more than one configuration wrong...


You may check it with a more simplified form
in a simplified pipeline.

    <map:act type="set-encoding">
      <map:parameter name="form-encoding" value="utf-8"/>

    <map:match pattern="myform.html">
      <map:generate src="dummy.html"/>
      <map:transform src="testform.xsl"/>
      <map:serialize type="html"/>

Any Unicode characters like âââââ should work.

Volkmar W. Pogatzki

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