Gerald Aichholzer said:
> Hi Ralph,
> thanx for your answer - in my test some days ago using TinyWeb
> I was explicitly putting "http://server:80/"; as prefix to the
> href- resp. src-attribute values.
> Anyway - I'm not quite sure if serving static content using
> Apache would be an advantage in my situation. My application
> reads sentences of a symbolic language from a XML-source and
> converts the data to XHTML. The resulting page in the browser
> contains many images, but there're many duplicates (because
> most symbols are used two or more times).
> Might cocoon's caching be an advantage under this circum-
> stances?

Probably not.  If you are accessing the images via urls in your page then
serving them from apache will almost certainly be faster.  Caching in
Cocoon really helps in cutting down on building the dynamic content over
and over again, but it just can't serve static content as fast as apache.


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