Well, that is a little discouraging.  I was hoping to have received a reply 
on this.

Is it just that no one has seen this problem (because they don't use SJAS), 
or that no one has a solution?

"Sean Dockery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hello.
> We are exploring replacing the current reporting framework in a web 
> application with the Cocoon 2.1.6.  Part of our mandate is to ensure that 
> we can run on a variety of J2EE platforms, including Tomcat, SAP WebAS, 
> Bea WebLogic, Sun Java Application Server, and others.  I have been able 
> to deploy our application to Sun Java Application Server, but the Cocoon 
> welcome page (/ourwebapp/cocoon/welcome) fails with a ClassCastException, 
> which seems routed in the Xerces/Xalan/XPath libraries.
> Here's a little history about things that I've attempted so far:
> 1) In the /Sun/AppServer/lib/endored folder, there exists the following 
> jar files (with relevant information from the MANIFEST.MF files):
> Specification-Title: DOM Level 2
> Specification-Version: DOM Level 2
> Implementation-Title: DOM Implementation
> Implementation-Version: Xerces-J_2_3_0
> Specification-Title: Java API for XML Processing
> Specification-Version: 1.2
> Implementation-Title: Main Xalan Engine Implementation
> Implementation-Version: xalan-j_2_5_2
> xercesImpl.jar!META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
> Specification-Title: Java API for XML Processing
> Specification-Version: 1.2
> Implementation-Title: Xerces 2 Implementation
> Implementation-Version: Xerces-J_2_3_0
> I attempted to replace dom.jar, xalan.jar, and xercesImpl.jar with the 
> content of the cocoon-2.1.6-src/cocoon-2.1.6/lib/endorsed folder (bcel, 
> regexp, xalan, xerces, and xml-apis).  Unfortunately, Sun Application 
> Server fails to even start.
> 2) I tried placing the xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar, and xml-apis.jar in the 
> /Sun/AppServer/domains/domain1/lib.  I then went into the Application 
> Server/JVM Settings/Path Settings page and added the absolute paths to the 
> jars to the domain classpath prefix.  (This is the same mechanism by which 
> you add JDBC drivers to a given domain's classpath).
> I still received a ClassCastException when accessing 
> /ourwebapp/cocoon/welcome.
> Note:  I didn't think that this would work as the older versions of dom, 
> xalan, and xerces and higher up on the classpath foodchain, but I had to 
> try it anyway.
> 3) I modified the xml-parser class attribute in our cocoon.xconf to be 
> "org.apache.excalibur.xml.impl.XercesParser" (from 
> "org.apache.excalibur.xml.impl.JaxpParser").
> I still received a ClassCastException when accessing 
> /ourwebapp/cocoon/welcome.
> Everything else in our Cocoon configuration is "stock" (or so I have been 
> told).
> I have searched the web and groups using Google.  The only related item 
> was the final reply in a discussion thread at this URL:
> http://swforum.sun.com/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=46088&messageID=143344
> The stack trace seen in the 7th reply is exactly what I am getting. 
> Unfortunately, no one has replied as to a possible resolution.
> Questions:
> a) What steps do I need to perform to get Cocoon 2.1.6 operational under 
> Sun Java Application Server 8 Update 1.
> b) Should I be concerned about the fact that the latest Cocoon "release" 
> (2.1.6) makes use of a development releases of the JAXP jars?  For 
> example, Cocoon 2.1.6 uses a dev release of Xalan 2.6.1--when 2.6.0 is the 
> sanctioned GA release.
> c) Do I have to use a previous release of Cocoon?
> d) Can I build Cocoon from the source, and bind it against the Sun 
> Application Server JAXP jars?
> Thanks for your time... and your assistance. 

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