On Thu, 2005-07-28 at 16:28 +0200, Torsten Schlabach wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have successfully achieved this:
> 1. I have built Jackrabbit and created a sample repository using the
> examples (First Steps) code samples. This is a repository which is
> entirely independent of Cocoon.
> 2. I have imported some XML stuff into the repository, also following that
> XHTML/MathML example from the Jackrabbit First Steps page.
> 3. I managed to make this repository known to Cocoon's JCR block by
> editing cocoon.xconf approprietely.
> 4. I can generate the collections through the TraversableGenerator in
> webapp/samples/blocks/jcr of Cocoon (though on the blocks overview page it
> says the jcr block did not have any samples). I can see the collection of
> nodes that were created by the Jackrabbit example, such as /xmlimport for
> example.
> But this is where I am stuck.
> In order not to get the collections but an actual property (read: piece of
> content) from the repository, I tried something like:
> <map:generate src="jcr://importxml/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:p[2]" />
> But no matter what node I try, I keep getting
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception during source resolving.:
> org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceException: Path
> 'jcr://importxml/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:p[2]' is a collection
> What do I have to put into the jcr:// URI in order to access content, not
> meta-information.

What is the configuration of your JCRSourceFactory?
I think to define which nodes actually contain the data, you have to
define a file-node with a content-node having a content-prop, like e.g.:

> Regards,
> Torsten
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