That's exactly what I have actually. I'm still not clear as to what C3P0 handles, but if I'm indeed using the data source as laid out below, and injecting that into my Hibernate Session Factory, which is then being injected into my DAOs, does it mean I'm not using C3P0? Anyway, adding a as I mentioned below and trying some tuning didn't help at all.


Leszek Gawron wrote:

Dustin N. Jenkins wrote:

I'm using the default c3p0 pooling, so I think I'll try adding a to try and work it out a little bit. My cocoon-ehcache-1.* files both have a size of zero, but I deleted them anyway with no good result. I've never seen this before and I'm worried it's the way my code is working. I'm deleting a collection of entities, then creating a new list of them. I don't explicitly open sessions as everything is taken care of via Spring and carried over to Cocoon with the OpenSessionInViewFilter.

Just for "fun" try switching to DBCP and see if your error occurs. Here you have a configuration snippet.

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close">
    <property name="driverClassName">
    <property name="url">
    <property name="username">
    <property name="password">

Dustin N. Jenkins
Application Developer
Invoq Systems, Inc.
AlarmPoint - Guaranteed Event Resolution
#216 - 852 Fort Street
Victoria, BC V8W 1H8
Tel: (250) 380-0304

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