


On 26/02/07, Andrew Madu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

any ideas with this one guys? I would really like to get this issue



On 25/02/07, Andrew Madu < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> supplemental to my last 2 posts!, I have noticed that if I have noticed
> that if I have an onload="" in the body tag of an ajaxified page, when you
> submit the page with incorrectly filled out form elements the whole page
> will reload.
> So to recap:
> 1. If serialize type="xhtml" in sitemap definition of ajax-request, the
> ajaxified page will reload on submit.
> 2. If there is an onload="some_javascript_function_call()" in the body
> tag, the ajaxified page will reload on submit.
> --
> Regards
> Andrew
> On 25/02/07, Andrew Madu < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > supplemental to my original post, I have noticed that when I first
> > load the ajax form page which has a serialize type set to xhtml I get an
> > ajax javascript error which states @ line 1 of the dojo_ajax.js file:
> >
> > cocoon is not defined
> >
> > Was this same error not dealt with last year if I remember correctly?
> >
> > --
> > Regards
> >
> > Andrew
> >
> > On 25/02/07, Andrew Madu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > > I have the latest SVN version of cocoon and have noticed from the
> > > following code:
> > >
> > >                 <map:select type="ajax-request">
> > >                   <map:when test="true">
> > >                     <map:serialize type="xml"/>
> > >                   </map:when>
> > >                   <map:otherwise>
> > >                     <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>
> > >                   </map:otherwise>
> > >                 </map:select>
> > >
> > > that if, and in the map:other section, I set the serialize type to
> > > html when you submit a page for which some form elements have been
> > > incorrectly entered you will receive notification without the whole page
> > > having to reload, i.e, as per the ajax-cocoon spec, only those form
> > > elements which are incorrect are submitted. Now, when I set the serialize
> > > type to xhtml when you submit a page which has incorrectly filled in form
> > > elements, the whole page is reloaded!
> > >
> > > What is the issue here?
> > >
> > > --
> > > Regards
> > >
> > > Andrew
> > >
> >
> >

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