I have also realized that the:

xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="en" is not being written to
the opening <html> tag! (And yes...the page tags have been removed!! ;-) )

What attribute in the sitemap xhtml serialize definition do I need to tweak
to ensure that the opening html tag is populated with the w3 xhtml


On 04/03/07, Andrew Madu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

can anyone else who is using cforms/ajax form validation change the
serialize type to xhtml instead of html in the ajax-request sitemap section
and confirm with me what happens when you try to submit your form?

What I am witnessing is a complete page reload which is not meant to
happen and does not happen when the serialize type is html.

This, as I have mentioned back in 26/07/2006 is still a bug and simply
loading your form page when serialize='xhtml' will generate the following
javascript error:

'cocoon' does not exist

I am using Win XP/SP2 with Java 1.6 and running cocoon 2.1.10(SVN



On 02/03/07, Andrew Madu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Grzegorz,
> > Unfortunately not. I've tried to reproduce your problems two times and
> >
> > with no success so cannot help here. If you really like to solve this
> > issue I can only suggest one thing that can others help to figure out
> > your problem. Try to change forms samples to show the same behavior
> > and
> > provide a patch with your changes so we can be sure that we work on
> > exactly the same code and in the same conditions.
> Would it be possible for you to send me the xslt file you were working
> on? If it works your end it should work here as well..then I will take
> things from there.
> --
> Regards
> Andrew

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