Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Jason Johnston wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Actually I was too fast in answering :(

Yes, I only fixed the html serializer and that fix is not appropriate
for the xhtml. In html, the contents of the script tag is defined as a
cdata section, therefore there should be no encoding inside the script.
And that's what I fixed.
With xhtml the contents of script is defined as pcdata, so the solution
would be to create a block like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
/* ]]> */
I definitly think that we should fix this in the serializer by adding a
"/* <![CDATA[ */" when a script tag opens and a "/* ]]> */" before the
script tag closes. Additionally no encoding inside the script tag (as
with the html serializer).
Carsten are you working on implementing this? I was going to give it a shot but if you're doing it I won't bother. :-)

No, I'm not working on it yet - I would do it by the end of next week.
So if you want, just do it :)

Well since Jörg is so strongly against it, and I don't feel like swimming upstream against his opinion, I'm not going to bother. If you still feel like taking that on (both the code and the argument) feel free.

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