On Mon, 19 Mar 2007 15:28:10 +0000 (UTC), Joerg Heinicke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Andrew Madu <andrewmadu <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> Wouldn't xhtml serializer need to be fixed anyway, as anyone using it as
>> serializer will still encounter the problems with javascript
> irrespective of
>> whether they are using ajax forms or not?!!
> Didn't you say in another thread it works as expected in Firefox - a
> browser
> supporting XHTML? For browsers not handling XHTML I suggested to switch to
> conform HTML to avoid other issues. The problem arises only when browsers
> are
> not using the XML parser but their tag soup parser.

Well... sort of.  When Firefox uses the XML parser the document gets parsed 
just fine, but then another problem arises when the Dojo libraries used by 
CForms AJAX tries to call document.write(), which is not allowed in the XHTML 
DOM.  So you trade a problem with the XHTML serialization for a problem with 

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