On 24.09.2007 6:07 Uhr, thuertas wrote:

I tried to store beans in a database using Generator, Tansformer and Serializer. That's ok for Generator and Serializer but there's nothing in database when I use a Transformer!

So why doesn't it work with a transformer? Is the spring transaction initialized in the transformer?

This does not work this way at all from what I get since a Cocoon pipeline is streaming. I'll give a short introduction of both the concepts of this streaming and how Spring transaction interception works.

A Spring transaction spans a method call. The call to the method is intercepted, the transaction started, the actual method invocation is executed and when it returns from that it stops the transaction.

Now the streaming part. Whenever you call Generator.generate() it results in bunch of SAX ContentHandler method calls to the transformer and from there to the serializer. So usually (if it's not buffered) such a SAX event goes from the generator right through to the serializer. And when Generator.generate() is finished all the streaming a finished as well. That's why there is no Transformer.transform() method and no Serializer.serialize() method.

To put the picture together you only have to make the Generator.generate() method transactional and everything works fine. Of course you have to use your transformer and your serializer in a pipeline that's started with a transactional Generator.generate(). I'm sure your serializer does not work as expected for the same reason your transformer does not work.

Anyway, this whole approach seems to smell. I'd not execute any business logic in a pipeline. Actually the business processing should already be finished before you start to stream anything (have a look at flow script). The pipeline should only generate the outcome of the business transaction to show it to the user.

Hope this helps,


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