Thank you Grzegorz for this email. I think there's some points you are missing. You misunderstand my understanding of maven. I am not against using it at all. In fact, I believe it's a great way to tell Ruby developers that java can easily be adopted for rapid development. It's a great way to get a newbie started building the site he/she needs for a blog/portal/photos. I can not use maven at this point. Not that I am against it. I know in the future I will, and it will help me a lot when I need to create a block and add it to my collection. For now, maven is not the right choice for me. I need to understand every single file before I use it in my projects. If something goes wrong, I want to find out why and immediately. I need to know how I can utilize it in my work. How does it contribute to lowering the risk in my projects. Think about it this way, if you go to a restaurant and you are on a diet, won't you ask about every single ingredient in the meal you are going to order ? Same thing when you are engaged in a professional work and you have dead line and risk to manage. You need to know about every single file, and evaluate and think about how you are going to need this file.

I have worked with Struts2 and with .NET products. One big difference I noticed between these two technologies. Stop reading my email, think about the difference and come back.

DONE? ok, The BIG DIFFERENCE IS: .Net makes the starting point very easy while Java not. Visual Studio hides all the details about the components involved in a project and give you the easy things. You can develop and make progress with it but at some point you will loss control about what you have there and you will start wondering where all these files came from. When something goes wrong, you will be stressed like anything. Not to mention the slow learning process that .NET develop for you. On the other hand Java makes harder to start but once you start, you don't stop! You keep progressing and learning new things every day. I can see that SUN relies more on the academic institute to market their technology.

By the way, when I started learning Struts2, you know what I used? Don't laugh! I went back to vi for quick edits, and emacs for regular development :)

Anyway, this is not a comparison between Java and .Net. I just wanted to give you (and everyone else wondering why I need this) an idea about the downside of automating the learning process. It's helping many newbies to get started, but advanced users need a solid ground before moving ahead. Another good example is one of my previous responses on this thread. I deleted the whole section for the component and could not figure out why things are not working. If there was a step by step tutorial, I would have fixed the problem by myself.

It's great that you are considering the newbies but what about bigger projects? Definitely you can not document every single way Cocoon can be used in there projects, but you can give the basics, and let the programmers decide and find ways to use Cocoon in their development.

I hope my point is clear about "tutorials using Maven".
I used the word "you" many times, and I did not mean "you", but "Cocoon's Community".

I have been looking into Cocoon 2.2 and I am getting ready to build another HelloWorld from zero using Cocoon 2.2. However, I find very few jars there. Is this again one of maven's trick to make things easier? Does it download a different set of jars that are only for this template? Can I use these jars in another way, like importing them directly into my app? Does this 716K set of jars "REALLY" replace the ~30 MB ones (in Cocoon 2.1)?

As soon as I finish this, I will try to write a tutorial.

Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
Joerg Heinicke pisze:
On 18.11.2007 11:35 Uhr, Mansour wrote:

If you are only starting with Cocoon right now you should really consider using Cocoon 2.2, especially in regard to minimal build. Many "optional" components which are in core in 2.1 have been made really optional in 2.2. Integration should be much easier in general. Learning now 2.1 and later 2.2 seems to be too much effort since so much has changed between both.

I agree with Joerg on suggestion that it's better to start with Cocoon 2.2. It has much cleaner contracts and you get much more fine-grained control over what comes to your application. Cocoon 2.1 was quite monolithic compared to 2.2.

As you seem to really want to understand low-level architecture of Cocoon I think you will find content of e-mail conversation I had with Danilo Gurovich privately.

Before I present the most important e-mail I want to give you some background. Take a look at this: blog post and comments below it. As you can see, Danilo was looking for low-level description of Cocoon 2.2 that would give him ability to integrate it with his own solutions.

In private conversation I decided to explain many fundamental things of 2.2. Here goes my e-mail (I was given a permission to publish this e-mail from Danilo):


For now, (..) I would only say that we don't describe how block/application should be structured in detail because we ship Maven archetypes that take burden of prototype creation, see [1] and [2].

I hope that you don't get nervous because I repeatedly suggest using Maven. I'm aware of the fact that you want to avoid using Maven but if there is one command to type instead of tedious work of creating all needed files and directories why not use that command? Creating prototype by using Maven does not tie rest of development stages (compiling, deploying) to Maven.

I think that you will get the best results if you use Maven as recommended at the beginning. Only after a few hours of playing with Cocoon and getting to know with all basic concepts you will be sure when it pays off to use Maven without going deep into details (because we don't make a learning curve too steep) and when your own tools are better.

For example, we have developed Maven plug-in called Reloading classloader that makes development of Cocoon applications really rapid because any changes made to configuration (Spring bean configuration) and even Java classes code are visible instantly without any restarts of servlet container or any manual work! The best of this plug-in is that it is IDE-agnostic so you can edit your classes with Notepad (or IntelliJ) and it will pick up these changes. For more details, see

Getting back to answering your question. In Cocoon almost everything happens in a block(s) when it comes to application development. Here[4] you will get general description, and here[5] technical details are provided that will probably interest you the most. Casual application based on Cocoon consists of few custom blocks (each one for some distinguishable set of functionality) wired to each other and to some standard Cocoon blocks (like Cocoon Forms).

After creating and compiling your own blocks you get a few JARs (as each block is a standard JAR in the end) and not a WAR file, right? Creation of WAR file is left as last step, you just collect all needed JARs (including your blocks, Cocoon blocks and other dependencies of Cocoon or your application) and put everything into WEB-INF/lib directory of the WAR you are preparing. Apart from that, you need to put these three files into WEB-INF directory:
  * applicationContext.xml (some Spring beans configuration)
  * log4j.xml (logging config)
* web.xml (the most important bit in this file is configuration of Cocoon's dispatcher servlet)

Then you package everything into single WAR and you are done. You can deploy your application to any servlet container you like. Have a look at here[6] for exact content of three files you need to put
into WEB-INF directory or run a command:
mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.cocoon
-DarchetypeArtifactId=cocoon-22-archetype-webapp -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.0-RC2
-DgroupId=com.mycompany -DartifactId=myCocoonWebapp
(taken from [2])

I hope that this e-mail helps to arrange your knowledge about Cocoon a little bit. I also hope that it's clear now that development on top of Cocoon is not tied to Maven by any means but Maven only aids this process. We had to decide on something and we decided on Maven for several reasons but we really understand that there can be circumstances when Maven is not applicable thus we are really careful on not introducing hard dependencies on Maven.




I hope that this in conjuction with our standard tutorials will give you a quite good picture of Cocoon 2.2.

If you have any additional questions feel free to ask but please explain your problems in detail including sharing your motivations behind the questions you ask. This will help to avoid any tensions.

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