
I am planning to use Cocoon 2.2 fur a huge web-application and use spring as 
service-layer together with hibernate for persistance. Both spring and 
hibernate are within my toolbox for a while, but after reading all tutorials 
from cocoon.apache.org (and the presentations, too) I am still not able to 
understand HOW spring is EXACTLY integrated within cocoon and how the 
combination of the three frameworks should look like for a production-suitable 
application (missing a sound getting-started-guide). After using mvn 
archetype:create ... for setting up an standard project-structure for web-apps 
I could not exactly imagine what configuration nedds to be put in certain place.
More details:
- imagine an application that consists of several pet-store-like facades
- each facade is responsible for processing several well defined requests (the 
data within them)
- to hook up this with SpringMVC I just define a DispatcherServlet and route 
through different views
- HOW should I port this to cocoon-context to use FlowControl/continuations as 
my controller?
- do I 'have to' use several blocks for my application? What I mean here is: a 
persistence-block, view-rendering-block, etc.. how does an elegant block-usage 
look like?
- how should the integration of hibernate should look like to enable the pooled 
connections to be used within flows (found hints for OpenSessionInView filters)

I recognized several opinions about cocoon-2.2 documentation and support. And 
my opinion is, that a better starting guide could help with above questions. 
BUT: I am not here to bother anybody! I think you build a nice framework (have 
some experience with 2.1) and I am not afraid of steep learning curves. I think 
above questions are within context of first implementation-design and I miss 
the basic theory behind your ideas and/or usage-scenarios.

Looking forward to answeres with best regards,
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